The Tired Traveller
On a journey long and difficult,
Traveled The Tired Traveller
With destination and time needed unknown,
Traveled The Tired Traveller.
In his home town, he heard other travelers that passed by,
Talking about their adventures aplenty
Some travelers traveled for riches, others for love
Some traveled in search of magical lands like heaven from above
They talked about the places they saw,
They talked about the people they met,
They talked about the food they ate,
They talked about the lovers they bed.
So the lad packed his bags and put on his boots
And set out for a journey destinationless
To see what comes in the way and do what lies ahead
Curious, determined, excited, but aimless
He saw the places that were there to see
He met the people that were there to meet
He ate the food that was there to eat
He also bedded the lasses in between
But he lacked one thing those other travelers didn't
A reason for the journey he takes,
A destination, albeit known or imagined,
Someplace to rest his back that aches
And so The Tired Traveller Travels on,
On a journey long and difficult.
With destination and time needed unknown,
Travels The Tired Traveller.
"All those who wander are not lost", I heard someone say.
"Well, that depends on how long they wandered", is my thought on some days
Sushant Mehta
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