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Why do we continue to be fools?

A few years ago, I read Factfulness, by Hans Rosling. It has been one of the most influential books that I've read. It starts with a quiz of 13 simple questions  (link to the quiz & the book) about the world.  The author quizzed people in developed countries, from distinguished intellectuals to high school and university students, with these questions. Surprisingly, most people, from the smartest to the dumbest, got roughly similar answers. To rub salt in the wound, their answers were just as good as an average chimp. The real question that the book sought to answer was:  "The rest of the world has changed so much over the past 50 years. So why is the opinion of the First World about it not changing? Why is the view the same?"  I left India to live in Europe in 2015. It's been almost a decade of living abroad. I had been abroad for about 5 years when I read this book. I remember the feeling of goosebumps every time I read something I had experienced myself.  The i

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