A Realist's Proposal

Roses are red
Violets are blue
If you didn't find this lame
I probably wouldn't be into you

Romance is temporary
Heart themed gifts make me puke in my mouth
That butterflies we're supposed to get in our tummy,
We both know it's actually a little more south

Everything we've learned about romance
Is society silently coaxing us to procreate
You get tax cuts, lower interest on loans & whatnot
And a kid whose teenage rebellious guts you'll hate

That said, we all need someone we can trust
We have co-pilots even when planes practically fly themselves
Rotating Netflix partners isn't fun after a while
I'd rather do groceries with you on weekends by a mile

I don't offer much for romantic gestures
I wouldn't know a good place for overpriced meals on Valentines
But I do like to keep the kitchen and the bathroom floor clean
And with that, I ask you, if you'd like to be mine? 


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