When time just flies quicker than time travel

So I've barely had any time to breathe over the past few weeks. A new internship, mid terms, gym and cooking keep me pretty occupied. If I get any time out, there's always another party, another dinner or another seminar around the corner that you just can't miss out on. Add all the other household chores - laundry, buying groceries etc. and basically you end up wishing every day was a couple of hours longer just so you could get enough sleep.

If you thought I was done with the list of things I have to do, then you're completely mistaken. There's Premier League and fantasy football too. I need to watch the important games or read up on the analysis of different matches that are essential to my team. Managing the team is no child's play. On top of this, I'll start playing Tennis soon as well. So that needs to fit into my schedule somewhere too. I haven't even started on all the things that are on my Netflix watchlist and all the other TV series that I desperately need to catch up on. I'm also missing out on Champions League nights with my Scottish buddy, Joseph. Although I'll try and catch the Europa league clash between Liverpool and Dortmund with him. Luckily, the cricket T20 World Cup is over so that is one thing less on my mind (Although every time I think about it, not being able to win the cup makes me cry a bit inside).

I haven't even begun talking about all the additional research projects that I'm doing and the time I need to start working on PhD applications that I will find myself filling out towards the end of this year. I'm involved in 2 research projects in the university. One of them is in the domain of monetary policies and the other is in the area of migration. Since both of them are at preliminary stages, I should be spending a lot more time on them than I currently am. In addition, I need to start planning out how I'm going to go ahead with PhD applications. I need to sit down and do some research on different places that I want to go to, processes that I need to go through etc. and that is not as easy as browsing through your Twitter feed when you're doing it for the first time.

In all this, I'm losing a lot of my personal introspection time. My mornings have become a lot more hectic than before. I'm missing out on that 1 hour personal space in the morning. During this time, I just sit and drink coffee/tea for 20 minutes and introspect about my life and all that goes with it. I spend another 30-40 minutes updating myself with the current events of the world and reflecting upon them as well. Now I'm lucky if I have time to eat breakfast in my room. I'm barely getting time to Skype with parents or Whatsapp my friends back home too. One of them, I'm sure, is quite mad at me for it too.

The good news is that the weather's become survivable by an Indian's standards. Spring is here and the sun keeps my upbeat now. Another reason of happiness is increased interaction on my dorm floor. All my Hungarian dorm mates are now pitching in to teach me random but useful Hungarian phrases every time we're cooking/eating in the kitchen. My terrible pronunciation skills does serve as a source of humour on the sides with their meal for them and for me, it's a new word everyday that I try to use whenever possible. While there are a lot more areas that are draining energy out of me, I'm glad that at least, there are some that are infusing me with energy. Hopefully, I will manage to handle my stuff better, get more sleep and still manage to do all the things that I love doing - chilling with my friends, exercising, studying and a bit of travelling. Sticking to my diet might just end up being a cherry on the top. 


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