Aims of a new semester

Bringing about a change in one's behaviour is difficult. Even more so when the societal reinforcement is absent or prevalent in the opposite direction of the change. Hence, in a test of my personal will and grit, I have decided to bring upon a temporary change in my habits for this semester.

These are habits that I struggled to maintain a 100% even when I was at home but I was still able to adhere to them nearly 80-90%. Since I've been in Budapest, I've struggled. The compliance rate was nearly 0% at some points and never reached more than 10% at any point. 

Hence, in an effort to get back to healthier ways, I'm going to talk about a bunch of habits which I'm going to adopt this semester and try to achieve 50-60% compliance at least. (You see how much I love numbers). So the 5 habits I'm going to adopt this semester:

  1. Reduce meat consumption - Before reading ahead, read the words in bold again because I know 80% of you will register it as "Sushant is turning vegan" in your heads. No, I'm not turning vegan. Turning vegan also includes removing dairy products from one's diet. I love dairy products too much for that to happen. However, I do plan to turn "vegetarian" (again, NOT vegan) someday although there are doubts over that too. Nevertheless, I've decided to reduce meat consumption. Last summer, by reducing meat consumption (once a month) along with regular workout I was able to lose nearly 8 kg in a little above 2 months. Prior to that, I was only able to lose 2 kgs in 2 months with meat consumption of 2-3 times a week. Hence, in my pursuit of losing 6 kgs this semester, I'm going to reduce meat consumption. The fact that the buffet at the university now sells vegetarian sandwiches helps. Although, I just can't understand the logic behind the fact that EXACTLY the same sandwich costs 100 Forint less if I buy it with ham. 
  2. Reduce alcohol consumption - Again, I'm not quitting even though I eventually will. My alcohol consumption skyrocketed last semester. The prices of beer, a city full of amazing party places and a bunch of friends who are doing their ERASMUS exchange semester here don't do well for my little Indian liver. The little glandular organ saw liquor only about once a month in my homeland. Out here, the two started meeting every week. At times, more than once a week. That is more often than even couples wish to meet each other in a week!! Hence, I have decided to reduce my consumption to once a fortnight at least. 
  3. Back to the gym - I have the 15 session pass for the dorm gym to prove it. It starts today. 90 minute workout. 45 minutes on 1 body part (Chest, Back, Shoulders, biceps, triceps, legs). 30 minutes 1 part of abs work out (Upper, lower, sides) and 15 minutes cardio. 6 days a week for 6 weeks and then a new schedule. 
  4. Cooking and Cleaning - This is the area I hate the most. My dutch friend would probably claim that these concepts don't even exist in my world. As an Indian engineer, I am the worst person for this kind of work anyway. In short, this is an area of improvement. Broomstick has been bought. Regular schedule of bed sheet change, room cleaning, laundry and bathing has been set up. Spices and cooking utensils have been smuggled to Budapest from India. Let's hope that cooking begins....someday...eventually...hopefully...
  5. TV Series binge watching and maybe a little reading - Who said every habit I'm going to adopt is going to be a good one? I can adopt some bad ones too. I always feel I don't give enough time to television. Although that is widely considered a good thing, I'm no Mr. Goody-Two-Shoes and nor do I wish to be. Hence, I'm going to sit in the library and watch TV shows all day. I'll compensate by "trying" to spend some time reading too but that sounds amusing to me in my head even as I'm writing it down. So, all fingers crossed. 
So these are the 5 new habits I'm going to try and adopt this semester. Feel free to laugh, mock or express any other feelings that you may have about it in the comments section below. Cheers!


  1. well written Sushant----you've come a long way from the lil tennis player i know!!!

    1. Thank you sir. Always a pleasure to hear from you. :)


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