When a Dutch, South African, Hungarian and an Indian ate Italian at a German restaurant

And they couldn't decide on when to eat. The Dutch likes to eat at 6, the German at 7, the Hungarian at 8 and the Indian feels hungry at 9. Apart from this, all other jokes that were made would not be funny to you as they have a significant context internal to these 4 people. :P

Anyway, in my last few months in Budapest, I've sort of formed a group with the 3 people mentioned in the title.
  1. "Anika Ji", the super photogenic born-in-Namibia-identifying-herself-as-South-African girl of half German, half Dutch descent with ancestors from all over Europe (Yeah, and you thought your mined-in-Africa-manufactured-in-China-for-American-firm-filled-with-apps-from-Indian-programmers iPhone was a symbol of Globalisation). I would mention more but I'm supposed to dedicate an entire blog on her later. You'll find it there. 
  2. The skinny Dutch, Ignaat aka Iggy. He is typically confused for a middle school kid, has a bunch of tantrums that even Iggy Azalea can't match and diet restrictions of the amount one needs to get a body like Kaley Cuoco. Despite all this, he has travelled a lot of the world. I'm convinced that there are many parts of the world he is possibly incapable of surviving in but I'm sure he WILL try to go there at some point in his life. 
  3. The typical Hungarian, Agnes. Agi was born and raised in Hungary. She is super sweet and at times unable to grasp Ignaat's accent. She is our eyes and ears to all the Hungarian things we wish to learn about. She also comes in handy when you wish to learn curse words in Hungarian and bitch about other classmates. I must also mention that she has a REALLY HOT flatmate and trust me when I say this. She IS pretty gorgeous. (Sorry, moved off topic a bit)
And since I've described all three of them, it is only fair that I do a similar description about me so that you get a good idea of how our group looks like:

I am the super nerdy, number crunching Indian "from India", Sushant aka Sunny. I am usually extracting too many double meanings out of other people's words and I have a habit of biting into other people's food without asking (found quite annoying by Anika Ji and Iggy). I also boast of ice-skating exceptionally well, much to the annoyance of the other 3 who spent a significant amount of their time trying (and eventually succeeding) to make me fall. 

Anyway, I'm writing this article only as a prelude to subsequent articles which will involve imaginary/planned events that may or may not happen in reality. Off late, this has become the small bunch of people that I've been hanging out with. I just felt that they were worth a mention on my blog. We come up with a lot of funny and imaginative stuff when we hang out and a lot of it would probably serve as the basic source for upcoming blogs. 

P.S. - The Italian restaurant in the title is Vapiano. It's a German chain but it's really, really good. I go there quite often. I have my own guy there now. He makes my pasta super spicy. In fact, this is one of the very few restaurants here which have made me reach for water during my meal.

I must also mention Natasha who took me to the place for the first time. She is the nose conscious Sri Lankan who lives in my dorm. She is super judgy but sweet and helpful at the same time. You can usually find her calling something "gay" or saying "lalalala" to skip parts of the conversation she is too lazy to explain (which may be important at times and you may not understand anything after that). She is my spicy food partner (stuff the other 3 can't manage) and my go-to person when I'm missing home. 


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