It's been a while

Well it's been a while since I've sat down to write something other than C++ code. I was beginning to feel like C++ was the only language I could write in and wanted a change from routine. That said, I'm pretty sure my literary work in human readable language will not be as beautiful as my work in C++. 

To start off, a brief introduction. I'm Sushant Mehta. I'm a software developer based in New Delhi, India. I enjoy sitcoms, beer and tennis on the weekends. 

This blog will have a mixed theme. Some of the posts will be about the things I have learned or continue to learn professionally/out of fun. Other blogs will be about the research I do before buying any product. I hope anyone who is looking to buy the same product benefits from it. I might also write on politically sensitive issues (although rarely).

In addition, I might write a few emotional pieces. I'll make them abstract and generic so that you, as a reader, can relate to them.

That said, you can also follow me on Twitter: @sushant2392

Feel free to get in touch with me through Twitter or this platform. :)


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